
Let's WALK through

  Let’s WALK through In our day-to-day life whenever we think about starting our fitness journey, the first thought in our mind comes is WALKING. We often say let’s go for a walk or let’s roam around and take a quick walk. But have we ever thought about what a simple walk can do? Do we even know what’s walking and what benefits it gives us or how and how much or how long we should walk? How many types of walks are there? Do too much-walking cause any damage to our body? Or how can you lose weight and get sexier just by walking? How do you feel after taking a walk? Yes, these are all the important questions that we should know the answers and then we should start our fitness journey through walking. Let me walk you through walking. What is WALKING? If we ask Google, it answers like this “ move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once.” The power of walking We all have dreams of becoming fitter, leaner, and...

Let's dissolve

I just say I generally fall for a person's flaws but do I really ? or I just have a perception of two messy people coming together and creating a beautiful life together. The other one wants to clear your mess but can't, just you can. He will always be there as your support no matter what happens or what mess your life will become, he will always be there. I have never imagined a simple relationship. I always have imagined messy relationships with lots of drama and passion and emotional investment. In that crying for each other, fight like anything, and still manage to stay with each other at the end of the day. I always wanted a deep dive love in a relationship like we do in skydiving to fall from the maximum height we can reach with the leap of faith to deep scuba diving as deep as you can go. To explore each and everything into them from toe to head, from every layer of them being and heart to the skin to know every flaw. What makes him cry, what brings a smile to his face, ...

Flames of hope

What's hope? Is this just a word? Let's not let down its value by saying it just a word. It can save someone's life. So by saying it is just a word we can't justify its value real value. Hope is a feeling that keeps us alive, hope is that thing that makes our life survivable in this not so survivable world. We often feel so stuck in a life that we feel like everything has stopped working for us. We work so hard and still, nothing works for us and we even stop hoping for good things in life. And once we stop hoping we no longer feel any strong emotions, and without any emotions what's the meaning of life. We get positive energy when we hear this beautiful word. We feel relieved. Right now each of us hoping for something, no matter how much the thing is big or small but we keep those little flames of hope inside us. See the magic of this word, the whole world is having faith in this 4 letters small word. This word combines all of us in the same string. Damn! The whole...