From daughter to daughter-in-law
Leaving your home for studies, traveling, work, or any sort of thing but leaving your home after getting married is a completely different scenario. Today while packing all the kind of stuff I got a bit emotional like that’s it. You are taking all your things with you to a different place and with completely different people for the rest of your life. Now your belongings are changed. You don’t return to your home after coming from work or a trip or anything, you have to go to your in-laws’ home. How could this be even Lil easier, it’s not at all. From your taste to your clothing you need to take care of everything you have to change everything. You have to adjust in every manner and in every situation in your life. You have to think thousands of times before speaking a word or putting out your thoughts in front of your in-laws. You have to inform or ask for everything when you go out to meet your friends or for any sort of work. You have come back home in a limited time. You...